InTime Tcl Reference¶
InTime integrates the Tool Command Language(Tcl) to support scripting and fine-grained control of its features. This reference guide describes available InTime Tcl commands. Similar to Tcl/Tk language rules, InTime Tcl commands use similar syntax, notations and design rules. Typing 'help' in the InTime Tcl Console brings up a similar description of the commands supported. The commands are generally organized hierarchically and can consist of several consecutive command invocations.
Multiple commands To retrieve the project filename, three commands are required, project and info, followed by <file_name>
plunify> project info file_name
Multiple commands with an argument To retrieve a summary of the job, two commands are required, job and summary, followed by jobID=2
plunify> job summary 2
For more example scripts, please refer to Using Tcl Scripts.
Top-level Commands¶
Typing the top-level command in the Tcl console displays the list of secondary commands. For example, typing 'flow' gives a list of commands in the 'flow' category.
Commands | Description |
exit | Exit InTime. |
flow | Control and execute the InTime flow. |
flow_steps | Execute individual steps in the InTime flow. |
help | Display this help message. |
history | Show a record of commands executed previously. |
job | Run operations on existing jobs. |
license | Manage licenses and display the current InTime license file. |
log <message> <type> | Send specific log messages to the InTime session log. Example: log something failed error Supported types: <info>, <warning>, <error> |
misc | Run miscellaneous helper functions. |
project | Get details and set properties of the opened project. |
project info | Get information about the project command (used together with the Project command). |
results | Retrieve details of the current results set. |
run_target | Configure, test and perform actions specific to different run targets. |
strategy | Provide details of the currently active strategy/result. |
vendors | Configure vendor tool settings. |
msgbox | (Deprecated) Show or get feedback from user using a message box. |
Control and execute the InTime flow.
Argument | Description |
add <property_name> <value> | Add the specified value into the desired flow property (supports only certain flow properties). |
clear <options> | Clear the value of a flow property value. Supported options: Refer to the flow set property values below. |
get <property_name> | Get the specified flow property's value. |
load_recipe <recipe_tcl_alias> | Required before executing flow run_recipe <recipe_tcl_alias> command to initialize recipe parameters. |
properties | List and describe all customizable configuration properties of the flow. |
recipe errors | Print errors logged during the execution of the last recipe. |
recipe name | Print the name of the recipe that was just executed. (Empty string if nothing was ran. |
recipe is_experimental <recipe_tcl_alias> | Check if <recipe_tcl_alias> is an experimental recipe. |
recipe is_supported <recipe_tcl_alias> | Check if <recipe_tcl_alias> is supported by the current project. |
recipe is_user_defined <recipe_tcl_alias> | Check if <recipe_tcl_alias> is a user-defined recipe. |
recipe skipped | Check if the last recipe was skipped by InTime (Return true if it was skipped). |
recipe stopped | Check if the last recipe was stopped by the user (Return true if it was stopped). |
recipe job_ids | Return a list of job IDs generated in the last recipe. E.g. 10,11,12 |
recipes <supported,all> | Returns a list of recipe tcl aliases. By defaults, it lists only supported recipes for the vendor. Use flow run_recipe <recipe_tcl_alias> to run a recipe. |
remove <property_name> <value> | Remove the specified flow property's value. |
rerun | Rerun marked strategies. |
reset | Reset the internal flow history. Subsequent flows will start again with a root parent revision. |
resume job <local_job_id> | Resume the selected job. |
restore_defaults | Restore flow properties to their defaults. |
restore_point load <name> | Restore the flow configuration from the given restore point. |
restore_point save <name> | Create a restore point with the given name. |
run | Run the InTime flow: Analyze design, strategize and run generated strategies. |
run_recipe <recipe_tcl_alias> | Run the specified recipe. |
set <property_name> <value> | Set the specified flow property to a particular value. Refer to the flow set property values below. |
toolchain_steps clear_custom | Clear any specified custom step. |
toolchain_steps clear_custom_args | Clear any specified custom step arguments. |
toolchain_steps get_custom | Get the custom toolchain step to use. |
toolchain_steps get_custom_args | Get the arguments to use for the custom toolchain step. |
toolchain_steps is_custom_supported | Indicate if the current vendor backend supports custom enabling/disabling of toolchain steps. |
toolchain_steps list <match_expr> | Return a list of toolchain steps. Possible match expressions: <all,enabled,disabled>. Default: <all>. |
toolchain_steps set_custom <custom_step_name> | Set the custom toolchain step to use. |
toolchain_steps set_custom_args <args> | Set the arguments to use for the custom toolchain step. |
toolchain_steps toggle <step_name,all> <enable, disable> | Enable/disable the specified toolchain step, or all steps. |
unset parent_revision | Reset the parent revision to the original one (the "root parent"). |
Below is a list of property names available for the FLOW SET command. To run this,
FLOW set <*property name*> <value>
If you are unsure of the current property values, use the flow properties
command to display all the current values.
Property Name & Usage | Description |
auto_clock_margin_adjustment | For auto adjust clock margin value (recipe) |
auto_max_runtime | for auto-optimizing strategy_max_runtime |
auto_sync_results | Enable synchronization to master database |
clean_keep_whitelist | Preserve certain files during compilation. Specify different file types in the curly brackets separated by spaces, e.g. {.bit .gz}. A ZIP file containing the whitelisted files will be generated in <project dir>/<job ID>/<user><MAC address><remote job ID>_<revision name> Requirements: Full InTime license |
clock_increment_value | Specify the incrementing step value for clock uncertainty (recipe) |
clock_initial_value | Specify the first clock value of clock uncertainty (recipe) |
concurrent_runs | Indicate the concurrent run count for this job. |
control_allow_eval_ip | Set to true if InTime should allow evaluation IP in the design. |
control_create_bitstreams | Set to true to generate programming files for runs. False by default. |
control_create_epaf | Set to true to create an encrypted results archive (.epaf) during Private Cloud operations. |
control_force_continue | Set to true to stop the current iteration when there is no valid result in the current round. |
control_ignore_drc_errors | Set to true to continue even when DRC errors occur. |
control_ignore_errors | Set to true to proceed even when errors occur. |
control_inherit_synthesis_only | Set to true to discard non-synthesis settings from the parent revision. |
control_learn_from_estimates | Set to true to learn from estimated results. |
control_num_timingpaths | Specify the number of timing paths to analyze |
control_regen_ip_targets | Set to true to re-generate IP targets. |
control_reuse_synthesis_results | Set to true to reuse synthesis results from the parent revision. |
control_stop_when_goal_met | Set to true to stop the current iteration when the Goal Target is met. |
control_stop_when_post_place_timing_bad | Set to true to stop when post-placement timing is bad (worse than or equal to a specified value). |
custom_properties | Specify a custom property map. |
goal | Specify the optimization goal. |
goal_based_target | Specify the target metric used to evaluate the design goal. |
goal_quartusii_enable_recovery_time_in_tns | QuartusII-specific: Ignore Recovery Time during TNS extraction. |
goal_quartusii_enable_removal_time_in_tns | QuartusII-specific: Ignore Removal Time during TNS extraction. |
goal_quartusPP_enable_recovery_time_in_tns | QuartusPP-specific: Ignore Recovery Time during TNS extraction. |
goal_quartusPP_enable_removal_time_in_tns | QuartusPP-specific: Ignore Removal Time during TNS extraction. |
goal_quartusPP_enable_mpw_time_in_tns | Quartuspp-specific: Ignore Minimum Pulse Width Time during TNS extraction. |
goal_quartusii_enable_mpw_time_in_tns | QuartusII-specific: Ignore Minimum Pulse Width Time during TNS extraction. |
goal_vivado_enable_pws_time_in_tns | Vivado-specific: Ignore Pulse Width Slack Time during TNS extraction. |
initial_compilation | Specify the target run environment for the parent revision (if results do not exist). |
max_dcp_keep | Vivado-specific: Specify the number of DCP netlists to retain on disk per job. |
parent_revision_existing_results | Indicate how to handle existing parent revision results. Supported values: <reuse> <rerun> <prompt> |
parent_revision_job_id | Specify the parent revision's local job id. |
parent_revision_missing_results | Indicate how to handle missing parent revision results. Supported values: <stop> <rerun> <prompt> |
parent_revision_name | Specify the parent revision's name. |
post_place_tns_limit | Specify the post-placement TNS limit value |
post_place_whs_limit | Specify the post-placement worst hold slack limit value |
post_place_wns_limit | Specify the post-placement worst setup slack limit value |
project_file | Contains the project file name. |
remote_auto_assign | Indicate if auto assignment should happen for Private Cloud jobs. |
remote_job_polling_policy | Remote job polling policy. Use with care -- InTime terminates multi-round recipes when this is set to 'stop'. |
remote_off_peak | Indicate if Off-Peak mode should be used for the public cloud remote jobs (only when doing remote compiles). |
remote_server_type | Set the server type to use for Plunify Cloud submissions. |
rounds | Specify the number of optimization rounds. |
root_initial_compilation | Specify the target run environment for analysis of the main parent revision initial compilation (if results do not exist). |
runs_per_round | Specify the number of strategies to generate per round. |
run_target | Specify the target run environment for this process. |
setting_filters_template | Specify the Setting Filters template file to use. |
strategy_algorithm | Specify the strategy generation flow. |
strategy_cls_multiplier | Only for Hot Start. Default is 0.5 (50%). Control the number of strategies that uses a new Hot Start algorithm, as a percentage of the total number of strategies generated. |
strategy_custom | Specify the custom strategy when the Strategy Algorithm is set to custom. |
strategy_delay_interval | Specify an interval in seconds between the start of every strategy in a job/round. (Default: 5 seconds) |
strategy_export_synth_name | Specify the name of the synthesis revision to use when exporting a strategy. |
strategy_export_impl_name | Specify the name of the implementation revision to use when exporting a strategy. |
strategy_max_runtime | Set the maximum compilation time for Plunify Cloud jobs. |
strategy_prefix | Specify the strategy prefix to use when deciding new strategy names. |
strategy_rerun_learning_only | Rerun: Consider only Learning Strategy results |
strategy_retry_count | Specify the number of retries if a strategy fails. |
strategy_reuse_multiplier | Hot Start: Default is 0.5 (50%). Control the re-use of past strategies. Setting it to 0 means no re-use. |
strategy_settings_scope | The settings application scope of strategies. |
strategy_time_unit | Set the time unit for the maximum runtime. |
strategy_use_all_training_data | Auto Pilot: Use the entire training data history when deciding the next recipe |
strategy_vary_synth_if_ooc | Vivado Tcl project-specific: Vary synthesis even if the module is out-of-context |
strategy_verification_strictness | (fail_on_count_mismatch |
strategy_xp_multiplier | Only for the Default recipe. Default is 0.5 (50%). Control the number of emhanced strategies that uses a new Default algorithm, as a percentage of the total number of strategies generated. |
toolchain_steps_custom | Specify the custom toolchain step to use. |
toolchain_steps_custom_args | Set the custom toolchain step's arguments. |
toolchain_steps_disabled | Specify the disabled toolchain steps. |
Below is a list of FLOW SET property names available for the auto floorplan recipe.
If you are unsure of the current property values, use the misc fp_settings
command to display all the current values.
Property Name & Usage | Description |
fp_type <congestion,assign> | Floorplanning priority for different scenarios. Default: congestion (assign for Prototyping). |
fp_timeout <integer, in minutes> | Maximum time allowed for floorplan generation. Default: 60 minutes. |
fp_maxdsp_limit <percentage 1-default> | Highest percentage of DSPs per partition. Default: 100/num_slr/2. |
fp_maxlut_limit <percentage 1-default> | Highest percentage of LUTs per partition. Default: 100/num_slr/2. |
fp_maxramb18_limit <percentage 1-default> | Highest percentage of RAMB18 per partition. Default: 100/num_slr/2. |
fp_maxramb36_limit <percentage 1-default> | Highest percentage of RAMB36 per partition. Default: 100/num_slr/2. |
fp_minlut_limit <percentage 0 - 100> | Lowest LUT size of instances to be used for floorplanning. Default: 0. |
fp_hier_limit <integer 1-8> | Deepest hierarchical depth to explore for floorplanning. Default: 3. Applies only to fp_type = congestion. |
fp_cong_lutsize <integer percentage> | Instance LUT utilization must be greater than this number to be floorplanned. Default: 0. Applies only to fp_type = congestion. |
fp_blacklist_instances | Ignore specified instances. Default: None. Applies only to fp_type = congestion. |
fp_instances_limit <integer 1-5> | Number of significant instances to be selected. Default: 2. Applies only to fp_type = congestion. |
fp_num_workers <integer 1-8> | Number of threads to use when generating floorplans (affects generation time). Default for full: 1, default for half: 8. Applies only to fp_type = assign. |
fp_skip_oversize_instances <true,false> | Set to true to skip instances which are too big for the intended floorplan regions, instead of error-ing out. Default: false. Applies only to fp_type = assign. |
fp_max_instances <integer 1-200> | Maximum number of instances for floorplanning. Default: 200. Applies only to fp_type = assign. |
fp_max_utilization_percentage <float 0.0-1.0> | Fill regions to the specified percentage point. Default: 1. Applies only to fp_type = assign. |
fp_custom_half_x_split <integer 1-region_column_limit> | Number of columns to use for the left half of a floorplan region. If set, custom strategies will be generated using this half region split. Default: None. Applies only to fp_type = assign. |
fp_crossing_ratio <integer > 1> | The maximum crossing ratio between each region pair, used to balance out crossings. Default: empty. Applies only to fp_type = assign. |
Allows execution of individual steps in the InTime flow.
Argument | Description |
analyze_parent_revision | Analyze the parent revision of the current project. |
download_results | Download outstanding results for the current job. |
finalize_job | Finalize the current job. |
generate_strategies | Generate a set of goal orientated strategies and apply them to the current project. |
initialize_job | Initialize a new job. |
learn | Learn from the results in the current result set and tag the outcome with the current job id. |
post_recipe_analysis | Perform analysis on all results generated during the last recipe. |
prepare_training_data | Analyze the runs database and fill active result set with data required for learning. |
run_strategies | Run all strategies generated using flow_steps generate_strategies. |
Operations on existing jobs
Argument | Description |
cancel <remote_job_id> <run_target> | Cancel the specified remote job. |
config <local_job_id> <field> | Prints the flow config field of the specified job. |
summary <local_job_id> | Download results for the current job. |
License management functions and displays the current license file for InTime.
Argument | Description |
details | Display details about the current license file registered for InTime (if any). |
file_name | Return the file name of the current registered license file for InTime (if any). |
register <license_file> | Register a new InTime license file. |
reset | Deregister the current license file for InTime (if any). |
run_target <run_target> | Check if the specified run target is available under the current license. |
Miscellaneous helper functions
Argument | Description |
clean_db | Cleans the database of orphan records caused by results download, import, export and sudden termination. |
examples_path <toolchain> | Return the path where example projects are extracted to by default. The toolchain is optional. |
exec_mode | Return the execution mode of InTime. Possible values: <console>, <batch>, <gui> |
find_path <options> | Return the directory where the files below are saved. Possible options: <scripts> <recipes> <user_recipes> <intime_log> <user_home> <dot_plunify> <dot_plunify_user> <session_tmp_dir> <project_dir> <runs_db> |
gen_connect <job id> <revision name> | Generate the required files for Connectivity Graph Analysis. |
get auto_pilot_template_dir | Show the active auto pilot templates directory. |
get grid | Show the compute grid mode. |
get runs_db | Show the active mode of the runs database. |
get custom_jobs_dir | Get the custom runs job directory. |
get clean_schedule | Show the list of files to be cleaned. |
get sshagent | Show the sshagent status. |
overfit -force | Generate settings for overfit mitigation in every job. |
printenv | Print the active process environment. |
set auto_pilot_template_dir <value> | Set the auto pilot templates directory. |
set auto_import <value> | Turn on or off auto import for a new project. Supported values: <true> <false> |
set custom_jobs_dir <dir> | Set a custom jobs directory for temporary files when the InTime job is running. |
set grid <mode> | Set the compute grid mode. Supported modes: <lsf> <pbs> <sge> <sshagent> lsf - Load Sharing Facility pbs - Portable Batch System sge - Sun Grid Engine sshagent - Using SSH method. |
set sshagent enable <value> | Enable sshagent mode and set the computenodes. Supported values: A comma-separated list of IP Addresses or hosts. |
set sshagent disable | Disable sshagent mode. |
set user_args <value> | Set the USER_ARGS value. For instance, to set a particular resource queue. |
set runs_db <value> | Change the runs database to use project mode or user mode. Possible values: <project>, <user>. |
set_path <user_recipes> <new_path> | Set the specified directory for user-defined recipes. |
set_stdout <level> | Control messages forwarded to stdout when running in tcl/batch modes. Supported levels: <all> <tcl> |
settings get <scope> <key> -nofail | Get the value of a key in the ini file. -nofail - Do not fail when the specified setting does not exist. Supported scopes: <global> <user> Note: Global scope refers to the plunify.ini file found in the .plunify directory. User scope refers to the intime.ini file found in <user>_<mac address> directory. Example: To find the InTime server's IP Address misc settings global intime_agent/ip -nofail |
settings set <scope> <key> <value> | Set the value of the key in the ini file. Supported scopes: <global> <user> Note: Global scope refers to the plunify.ini file found in the .plunify directory. User scope refers to the intime.ini file found in the <user>_<mac address> directory. |
scripts_path | Display the scripts path. |
recipes_path | Display the recipes path. |
update_json <path> <key> <value> | Update the json file specified in path. Supported keys concurrent_runs, runs_per_round, strategy_max_runtime. Only positive numeric value are allowed. |
Details and control of the open project.
Argument | Description |
clear_history | Clear the complete history of all jobs that have been run on the current project for your InTime runs database. |
close | Close the current project. |
exec <command> | Execute <command> using the active project\'s vendor shell. |
extract <archive> <dest_dir> -toolchain <toolchain> -toolchain_version <toolchain_version> -overwrite | Extract the vendor archive to the directory specified. |
design_tag <value> | Set the specified value as the current project's design tag. |
design_tag clear | Delete the current project's design tag. |
history | Print a history of all jobs that have been run on the current project. |
info <options> | Please refer to info command. |
is_open | Return 1 if a project is currently open, 0 otherwise. |
open <project_file> -toolchain <toolchain> -toolchain_version <specific version,from_last_session> | Open the specified project file. The -toolchain argument is required for certain projects. The -toolchain_version argument is optional. |
open_dir <project_dir> -toolchain <toolchain> -toolchain_version <specific version, from_last_session> | Search for a known project file in the specified path, and if found, open it. The -toolchain argument is required for certain projects. The -toolchain_version argument is optional. |
open_example <toolchain> <dest_dir> -overwrite | Extract and open an example for the specified toolchain, the dest_dir is optional. Supported toolchains: QuartusII,QuartusPP,ISE,Libero,Vivado,Vivado_dcp,Vivado_tcl,Vivado_xpr |
open_last | Open the last-opened project |
setting_filters | List settings in the current project\'s specified Setting Filters. |
setting_filters <type> add <setting_name> <value> -step <step> | Add the specified setting to the specified list, with <value> being optional (except for locklists). |
setting_filters <type> clear | Clear the specified Settings Filter. |
setting_filters <type> contains <setting_name> <value> -step <step> | Check if specified setting is contained in the specified list, with <value> being optional (except for locklists). |
setting_filters <type> remove <setting_name> <value> -step <step> | Remove the specified setting from the specified list, with <value> being optional (except for locklists). |
setting_filters apply_template <file_path> | Apply the setting filters from the specified Setting Filters template. Template is applied to project\'s current setting filters, clear first to load template as is. |
setting_filters available_settings | List settings which can be used in the Settings Filter for the current project. |
setting_filters clear <all, id_only, id_value_only> | Clear all Setting Filters in the current project. Defaults to all. |
setting_filters load_template <file_path> | Clear the project\'s existing Setting Filters and load template as is. |
setting_filters save_template <file_path> | Save the current Setting Filters to a Setting Filters template file. |
setting_filters verify |
Returns information about the project. This is to be used with the Project command, e.g. project info
Argument | Description |
all_job_ids | Return a list of all previously ran job ids on this project. |
default_revision | Return the default revision in the current project. |
design_tag | Return the current project's design tag. |
device <family,package,speed,part> | Return the current project's device details. |
directory | Return the current project directory. |
file_name | Return the current project file's path. |
find_shadowed_result_job_id <strategy_name> <job_id> | Return the shadowed result's job id for the given result id. |
first_job_id | Return the job id of the first job ran on this project. |
last_job_id | Return the job id of the last job ran on this project. |
local_to_remote_job_id <job_id> | Return the remote job ID for the specified local job ID. |
name | Return the name of the current project. |
next_job_id <ref_job_id> | Return the job id of the next job after the specified <ref_job_id> ran on this project. |
previous_job_id <ref_job_id> | Return the job id of the previous job before the specified <ref_job_id> ran on this project. |
private_cloud_worker_path | Return the directory of the private cloud worker job path. |
remote_to_local_job_id <job_id> | Return the local job ID for the specified remote job ID. |
revisions | Return a list of all revisions in the current project. |
toolchain | Return the toolchain of the current project (in lowercase). |
toolchain_version | Return the toolchain version of the current project. |
vendor | Return the vendor of the current project (in lowercase). |
Provides details about the current results set
Argument | Description |
activate_tcl_set <set_name> | Activate specified results set for future Tcl commands. |
add all | Add all results in the runs database to the current result set. |
add job <job_id> <run_target> -r | Add the results of a specific job to the current results set. The run target defaults to <local>. Add |
add last_job | Add the results of the last job to the current results set. |
add project_history | Add all results in the current project history to the current result set. |
add single <strategy_name> <job_id> | Add the single result specified to the current results set. |
add training_data | Add all results in the runs database matching the training data filter to the current result set. |
assess_design | Reads existing design information and generates an analysis of the placement, routing and timing challenges, if any. |
bottleneck <-active,-parent> <detail_level> | Generate a design bottleneck report for the specified result(s). ** Supported detail levels:** -net <number of data paths, number of source clock paths, number of destination clock paths>, -paths <number of paths> |
count_duplicates <local_job_id> -r | Count the number of duplicate strategies inside the specified job. |
current_tcl_set_name | Return the name of the current Tcl set name. |
download <job_id> <run_target> <-wait> <-overwrite> | Get the results of the job specified by <job_id> and <run_target>. With -wait, InTime waits for the remote job to complete if it is still busy. With -overwrite it downloads the results even if it is available locally. This action overwrites values in the database with the downloaded values and the chosen job and is irreversible. |
epaf_download <remote_job_id> | Get the epaf files <remote_job_id> |
export <filename> <format> | Export all results in current results set in either CSV, HTML or JUnit format. Default is -results_csv. Supported formats: -results_csv, -criticalpath_html, -junit_xml, -local_db, -server_db. If -server_db is selected, a filename is not required. |
extract <root,strategy name> <job_id> | Find the designated result's netlist and extract results from it. If root is specified, the Job ID is not required. |
goal_met | Return 1 when the goal was met within the current results set, 0 otherwise |
import -local_db <filename> | Import from external database file. A filename for the data source is required. |
import -server_db <options> -n <records> -designtag <tag value> | Import from InTime Server database. Supported options: <-all>, <-success>. <records> - Number of records to import. Default is 50. <tag value> - This is the design tag. Only records with the same design tag will be imported. |
import job_dir <job_dir> <parent_revision_name> | Import and create a new job with all results in specified directory. <parent_revision_name> specifies which of the found revisions must be the parent of the new job. |
import remote_job <remote_run_target> <remote_job_id> <parent_revision_name> | Import and create a new job with all results from specified remote run target. Possible remote run target values: <plunify_cloud> <parent_revision_name> specifies which of the found revisions must be the parent of the new job. |
package_logs <log_path> | Archive the session log, job logs and revision logs in the current results set to intimelogs_yyyy |
remove all | Remove all results from the current results set. |
remove job <job_id> <run_target> -r | Remove the results of a specific job from the current results set. The run target defaults to <local>. Add -r to remove results recursively. |
restore_default_tcl_set | Restore the results set used for Tcl commands to the result set linked to the InTime user interface. |
summary <match_expr> <detail_level> <type> <metric> <-id> | Lists results in the current results set that match the match expression. Supported match expressions: all, best, best_including_estimates, busy, failed, not_started, pending, stopped, success, top3, top3_including_estimates, top10, top10_including_estimates, worst, worst_including_estimates (Default: all). Supported detail levels: -brief, -clocksonly, -count, -errors, -list, -preview, -verbose (Default: -brief). Supported types: -all_types, -leaf, -parent, -root (Default: -all_types). Supported metric: wns, tns, area, power (Default: goal value) Supported id: -id |
Used for configuring and testing run_target. Available run targets: <local> <private_cloud> <plunify_cloud>
Argument | Description |
set <run_target> <parameter> <value> | Test the configuration of remote run targets. |
test_connection <run_target> | Test the configuration of remote run targets. |
Provides details of the currently active strategy/result
Argument | Description |
export <target_file> <options> | Export the specified information for this strategy. Supported options: -results_csv, -script_tcl, -summary_xml |
results <options> | Filter the results in this strategy based on the options. Default is -brief. Supported options: -brief, -verbose, -errors, -field <field name>. The -field option returns only value for that particular field. Supported field names: These options are valid only with the *-field option. Job Strategy "Met Goal" TNS "Worst Slack" Area Power Runtime "Current Action" "Run State" "Run Target" "Remote Job ID" Tag FMax "Total -ve Setup" "Worst Setup" "Total Setup FEP" "Total -ve Hold" "Worst Hold" "Total -ve Pulse Width" "Worst Pulse Width" "PP TNS" "PP Worst Setup" "clocks" For the "clocks" field name, a list of the clock frequencies will be displayed. |
set_active <revision_name> <job_id> | Open the specified strategy, setting it as the active strategy for all other strategy commands. |
settings <options> | Provide details about the settings in this strategy. Default is -all. Supported options: -all, -non_default, -default, -list_all, -list_non_default, -list_default, -count |
tag remove | Remove a tag from an active strategy |
tag set <tag_value> | Add a tag to an active strategy |
unset_active | Unset whatever strategy was previously set with the set_active command. |
Allows configuration of vendor tool settings. Example:
vendors auto_detect
Argument | Description |
auto_detect | Auto-detect vendor toolchains installed on this machine. |
current_path | Return the installation path of the toolchain version of the current project. |
current_toolchain | Return the toolchain for the current project. |
current_vendor | Return the vendor for the current project. |
current_version | Return the toolchain version of the current project. |
enable_vendor_backend <vendor_name> <vendor_toolchain> <project_directory> | Enable the specified vendor backend for vendor-specific operations even when a project is not open. |
fetch_global_config <-force> | Fetch toolchains configured in the current InTime private cloud environment. |
get_default <vendor> <toolchain> | Get the default version to use for the specified vendor toolchain. |
register synth_tool synplifypro <path_containing_tool_executable> | Register a new Synplify Pro tool configuration. Specify the path up to and excluding the tool executable. |
register <vendor_name> <toolchain> <install_path> <license_file> -category <category> -version <version> | Register a new vendor configuration. If no <toolchain_version> is provided, the version will be auto-detected. |
set_default <vendor> <toolchain> <default_version> | Set the default version to use for the specified vendor toolchain. |
summary | Print a summary of all configured vendor environments. |
unregister -all | Deregister all existing vendor configurations. |
unregister synth_tool synplifypro | Deregister the existing Synplify Pro tool configuration. |
unregister <vendor_name> <toolchain> <toolchain_version> | Deregister an existing vendor configuration. |
update <install_path,license_file,category> <vendor_name> <toolchain> <toolchain_version> <new_value> | Update the installation or license file path of a registered environment. |
versions <vendor> <toolchain> | Return a list of all registered versions for the specified vendor toolchain. |